How to Use Emu Oil

Wondering how to use emu oil for the best possible results?

Not all emu oil is created equal.

These tips will ensure you use only the finest quality cosmeceutical emu oil for perfect and rapid results.

There are 3 critical keys to how to use emu oil so that you look noticeably younger, overcome dry skin, and reduce wrinkles:

  1. Like any wrinkle remover cream, emu oil will not work just sitting in the bottle. You MUST USE IT. In fact, you must use it 2-3 times a day for around 4-6 weeks in order to get noticeable results. This is not difficult as your skin will feel wonderfully moist, soft and smooth.

  2. Gently spread the oil over your face. there is no need to rub. The whole point about emu oil is it's unique ability to quickly and deeply penetrate the skin, so rubbing will just waste oil and exacerbate wrinkles.

  3. Use pure emu oil within two years. It is a natural product without chemical preservatives and so it does have a limited shelf life.

  4. Wait a few minutes to let the oil dry before applying make-up. Don't worry. The oil will penetrate your skin and will leave it soft and moist but not greasy do make-up goes on just like usual.

Remember, you only need to use 2-4 drops. Pure, professionally distilled emu oil has no irritants or side effects so there is no danger in using more - it is just that it is a silly waste of money.

Buy emu oil

Where to buy emu oil is just as important as how to use emu oil.

Only purchase from a reputable skin specialist so you know you are getting the real thing. The oil should be offically certified as 100% pure.

Also make sure it has been distilled correctly using molecular distillation. Otherwise there may be impurities that will damage the skin. Poor quality, fake, or contaminated oil will help your skin and may harm it.

Make sure that the oil comes from a proper lab with FDA and USDA approvals. Also, the wild emu is a threatened species so it is best to use oil from emus raised on American emu farms under free range, humane conditions.

Emu oil for skin

See tips above on how to use emu oil.

The effects of emu oil for skin are very important for restoring the smooth and supple elasticity of youth.

According to "The Australian", Australia's leading national newspaper:

"Research by French Scientist has found pure Emu oil has a 40% skin cell regeneration factor. Collagen, used in expensive anti-aging creams, has a 25% factor."

This is the key to how emu oil works - it regenerates collagen. Collagen production is a natural human function which decreases as we age. Our collagen plumps up the skin by acting as a cushion between the skin's many layers. This is what creates the smooth, supple appearance of youthful skin. However, as how collagen decreases, skin collapses in on itself. On the outside this showsa as lines and wrinkles - a major signal of aging.

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