Indian Skin Care

If you have a dark or olive complexion and need an Indian skin care regimen that will both improve the appearance and overall health of your skin, numerous simple tips and strategies are available to use as part of a daily routine. It is important to remember that people of Eastern descent have a different set of skin characteristics, needs and weaknesses.

Knowing about these traits and the strategies to manage them is the key to a routine that will keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Common Problems for Indian Skin

Image courtesy of TriggerHappyDave

The potentially damaging sun is the major factor behind the unique characteristics of Indian skin that is designed to protect itself. Constant exposure to intense sunlight causes an array of issues for Indian skin care that you need to address.

Mild to Moderate Acne

Like others of Middle-Eastern descent, Indians often have issues with mild to moderate acne. The skin’s natural reaction to hot weather causes the condition, which involves the excretion of oils from pores. The body creates and uses these oils, as a means to cool itself, however, as efficiently as this works, the oils build up on the skin over time, clogging pores and creating pimples, blemishes and breakouts.

If this issue remains untreated, repetitive bouts of breakouts can eventually leave scarring on the skin. Keeping your skin as clean and clear as possible prevents a small issue from becoming a larger problem.

To prevent acne from becoming an issue, you should cleanse your face twice daily, once in the morning and once before you go to sleep at night. Always use lukewarm water and a facial soap, or a cleanser that is specifically designed for Indian skin care. Exfoliate your facial skin on a regular basis to prevent dead skin cells from building up and clogging pores and always remove your makeup before sleeping.

Pigmentation Issues

As a method of protecting itself against damaging from the sun, persons of Indian descent often produce excess melanin, which is the main pigment that creates skin coloring. This pigment is released in larger quantities during periods when you are exposed to direct sunlight.

If you spend a lot of time outdoors, melanin production will increase sometimes causing dark splotches on your face, arms and legs. While these complexion variances are not typically harmful, they can detract from the healthy look of your skin, so if this is something with which you are dealing or something you are looking to prevent, a few things can be done.

  • Protecting yourself by using a powerful SPF any time you plan to get more than 15-20 minutes of direct contact with the sun is the simplest Indian skin care method for preventing uneven pigmentation.

  • You also should use products that are specifically designed for your skin type and needs, which will keep your skin moist and hydrated.

  • For an extra boost, try using a product that makes use of the benefits of hyaluronic acid, which can bind water to the skin.

  • Eating soy and using soy skin products can also be a big help when developing your skin care regimen, as it has the ability to help reduce the visible effects of hyperpigmentation, revealing the natural olive glow beneath. If used correctly, it can moderate oil production as well as aid in replenishing moisture.

If you want to show your best face to the world, it is imperative that you use a strategic Indian skin care routine. Every skin type has its own set of issues and challenges. Knowing how to treat and prevent these minor issues can improve your health, which will improve the appearance of your skin.

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